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PocketBook International company keeps on developing PocketBook free initiative by encouraging and actively interacting with Android applications developers.
The company has been supporting the events organized by GTUG (Google Technology Users Group) in Kyiv by representing the latest industry news. As IT experts, the company employees regularly present the latest trends in tablet PC development built on Android to the developers’ community.
Moreover, currently PocketBook International is designing a contest for Android developers, to be announced in the nearest future.
On June 21, 2011 Roman Kharhalis, Product Manager, PocketBook International, presented a detailed report on the latest trends in tablet PC build on Android at Google TechTalk in Kyiv. The report was based at the COMPUTEX 2011, which was held on May 31 – June 4, 2011 in Taiwan. Many young talented developers gathered at the meeting. Much interest was paid to the examples of rare Chinese tablet PCs demonstrated by Mr. Kharhalis.
As Mr. Kharhalis commented on the outcomes of the meeting, It’s of a big importance to PocketBook International to be on the edge of events in the area of Android applications development. We enable the environment to favor open source developers progress. We are ready to keep on making all efforts possible to ensure the fruitful dialogue as equals with the talented developers by providing them with a constant ground to extend knowledge, exchange experience and implement bold ideas.
New Linux SDK for all PocketBook Pro Serie models is now available. Direct link to archive: sdkrelease_1.0.tar.gz (128.6 MB).
New Linux SDK for PocketBook 301, PocketBook 302 and PocketBook 360 models is now available. Direct link to archive: PBSDK-linux-libwine_15.1.7z..
New Windows SDK for PocketBook 301, PocketBook 302 and PocketBook 360 models is now available. Direct link to archive: pbsdk-15.1.exe.
Project PocketBook Free and MOST Publishing announce new competition for developers. This time it will be competition in a game development. Considering following holidays, we decided to provide more time for development: competition will take place from 2nd December, 2009 till 17th January, 2010. Common voting will start from 18th January on site http://bookfast.org and continue till 31st January. All results of voting will be taking into account.
Competition prizes:
As in first competition, the number of first, second and third places are not limited and will depend on total number of the participants and quality of work.
This time we’d like to suggest a list of games, which can be implemented within that competition. Definitely, that does not mean that you only limited with this list. If you have any other ideas of the games for electronic books, you are welcomed to implement them as well.
List of games:
Games suggested by forum participants:
Our suggestions:
If you are ready to implement some game from the list mentioned above, please, announce it on forum If you selected game, and that game is already “taken” by somebody else, you can talk to author and coordinate work with them. Teamwork development is also acceptable; In that case prize would be equally shared between authors (prize for 1st place (PocketBook 360) would be swapped on 100% discount).
If you have any questions fill free to contact a manager of the project PocketBook Free by e-mail: tt {at} pocketbook {dot} com {dot} ua.
After long delay in updates there is new version of SDK, which meets Firmware 14.2. Links to SDK archive for GNU/Linux and MS Windows available on page Software development kit.
We are ready to announce the results of the PocketBook applications developers competition. You can see a list of applications, that have taken prizes, below.
Taking in account that sales of new PocketBook 360° have been started, every winner can choose the model he wants to get by prize (or get with discount): PocketBook 301+ (in "Standard" complectation) or PocketBook 360°.
Also every participant will get 50 hryvnias on his balance in the BookLand shop.
For any questions about getting the prizes please apply to the "PocketBook Free" project leader Tikhon Tarnavskiy.
Memorum – foreign languages learning
Player of interactive books (text quests)
Game "Checkers"
Subway plans viewer
Japan crosswords
Game "Sokoban"
Game "Minesweeper"
Board for "Goe" game
Scientific calculator
Terminal emulator
We have finished to accept applications for the competition. Here is the list of participating applications.
You can find the installation manual and links to subway plans for great amount of cities here.
Application for e-book (copy "system" and "games" folders from the archive to the book's root folder): memorum_instal.rar
Sample files and program for converting files from different formats: memorum_files.rar
Application for emulator (run as "memorum.exe file.mcl" or drag-n-drop mcl-file on the application file in explorer):
Installation manual and link to interactive books here.
Meeting the wishes of participants and taking into consideration that competition goes the same time as high school exams, organizators decided to prolong the competition for a month. We will accept new applications till August, 15 and announce results after August, 20.
Other competition rules stay the same:
- everyone, who developed a new application for the PocketBook, can take a participation in the competition;
- prizes are PocketBooks 301+ and discounts (50% and 30%) for them; number of prizes is not limited;
- winners will be determined by 5 judges, named before.
MOST Publishing, the producer of electronic books PocketBook, and a new project PocketBook Free announce a competition for opensource e-book applications. To participate in competition you do not need to have a PocketBook. The PocketBook SDK allows to build an application in emulation mode and run it on a PC.
The number of first, second and third places is not limited. Judges can give prizes to any amount of applications in dependence of a total number of the participants.
PocketBook Free competition prizes are: electronic books PocketBook and large discounts for them.
Competition dates: from the 2nd June till 15th July, 2009.
Date of announcing results: 20th July, 2009.
All participating applications will be licensed under GPL (3 version), if another license is not specified by the application author.
Judges: Tikhon Tarnavskiy (PocketBook Free project author), active participants of e-book users community – Vladimir Boroda, Dmitriy Gribov (Litres), Alexey Mihalev and Vladimir Prohorenkov (The-eBook).
Send your applications to: PocketBook Free
Project address: pocketbook-free.sf.net
Project forum: PocketBook Free
PocketBook Free project site is opened. You will be able to find here:
- project news
- links to applications sources
- links to software development kit
- forum for discussing any questions related to the project (coming soon)
Site address: pocketbook-free.sf.net.